Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Berpacu Meraih Bintang

Berpacu Meraih Bintang.Merupakan tema ulang tahun nya sekolahku, SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak yang ke 38 tahun ini.
menurut aku ini sebuah tema yang sesuatu alias etwas alias something banget....
soalnya, bintang itu pengertian nya banyak banget.
dan bisa diartikan ke berbagai macam prestasi dan kehidupan bagi kita sebagai seorang murid.

Lambang yang keren, bintang nya itu lho, warna biru. hahahasekk..
dan seperti biasa nya sekolah selalu mengadakan berbagai macam perlombaan saat perayaan School Birthday Party..

Dengan nekatnya aku ikut aja lomba Speech Contest dalam bahasa inggris.
Dan Alhamdulilah yaaa...
Tadi disekolah diumumkan, kalo ternyata aku menang Lomba Speech Contest yang bertema tersebut..
Juara 1.. ^____^

Jadi, aku juga pengen share ke temen-temen nih isi pidato aku di speech contest sekolah yang mengantarkan aku kedepan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan Indonesia. #eehh??@! salah.. maksudnya yang bikin aku jadi dapat Juara 1. hahaha..

Hafal luar dalam kepala. ^_^
Yang mau aku cerita ke temen-temen nih soal pengertian bintang nya itu lho,
jadi kita mulai dari sekarang yaa.

Stars are heavenly bodies which glitter in the night. Hundreds stars spread in the galaxy. but the meaning of star are very many and not just it.

Star is a hope. i am sure, every one of you will pray about your wish when you see falling star. right? some people believe that falling star will fulfilled they wish.

Star is a spirit for life. Usually, when someone in a big trouble, and they feel it is out of ability, they dont have spirit for life again. but if they see many stars in the sky, it can bring a restful again.

Star is a fortune. every grandprize in every contest seems like a lucky star. so, if you can get it, it means how so fortune are you.

Star not just mean an artist or singer who famous in the TV and have many fans. but if you success catch up your dream to be a teacher, or doctor, or police, and many more, it can mean you success get the star.

Star also mean the best people in their environment. when every student dont want to be the looser, they will vying to be the first with the high score in the class. and they will bring our school name at every contest and be the winner.

Every body want to be a star. because they want to be the rich people, have much money, and be the respected person. but it is not easy, you must have a hard determination and willingness, hard work, high discipline, focus to the purpose of life, and be the tireless worker. all dependent by your self.

Stars in the sky just twinkled in the night and disappear when daylight and sunshine. of course we dont want our achievement drowned arise like that. So, if one day you success become a star, you must do it :
1. Reviewing all our struggles and motivations for this.
2. Exactly the same way and maintain it, because more difficult to maintain than achieve it.
3. Always exist while remaining grounded.

It is not the ending of the ambition. this is the beginning. beginning for a new world.
You know why?
Because now we are in the top level on the field that we're in. if we not carefully, one day we can fall down and difficult to bounce back.

Jadi, tarareman,
sekian dulu pidato dari saye ye. :)
Bye bye bye.. (^3^)

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