Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

One Direction Cosmetics Makes Us Glamour

One Direction ever told us in their first booming song, " What Makes You Beautiful " is "don't need make up to cover up, being the way that you are is enough" but how we can apply it more? Because nowadays, they released so many make up cosmetics, like nail art, lipgloss, perfume, and lipstick the new.

MUA announced on its website that it’s teamed up with the boy band on a small line of cosmetics called “Little Things” (after another one of the group’s songs). It will include a different scented lip gloss for each boy and what seems to be his preference in scented cosmetics–”Harry loves Strawberry” while “Niall loves Cherry,” apparently. There’s also a collection of five lipsticks–appropriately, the “Kiss You” Lipstick range–with each hue named after different One Direction songs: “Rock Me” is a lilac, “Moments” a soft pink. The line rounds out with five nail polish colors and three cheek stains.

The line all priced under £3–about $4.61.

Guess you can feel Niall,Louis,Harry,Liam,Zayn lips with use this.

Polish your nail with it, so glamour.

MakeUp Academy for One Direction line

Feel them with this sweety Lipgloss, OMG i wanna taste Harry's

Lip Polish, try it girls !

1d makeup 2
Cheek Tint, yeah being beautiful

One Direction fans want to look good for the boy banders, of course, so it only makes sense that the group gives us the tools to do so!

The collection will be available exclusively through Superdrug stores. No word yet on if/where it would be available elsewhere.

But sad, i live far in Indonesia, how can i buy it all? the shipping will be so hard. God help meeeeeee T_T


Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Best Song Ever & Happy Anniversary 3 Years One Direction

Best day ever for all Directioners in this world because today is the day that Best Song Ever videoclip available in the youtube. We've been wait for long time, and we watched all the trailer, since 6 days to go, 5 days to go, 4, 3, 2, 1, and TODAY !!!!

And also, today ( July, 23rd 2013 ) is the 3 years anniversary One Direction. They are being succeess and better now. Nobody can forget when 3 years ago Simon Cowell makes the as a group and Harry Styles makes the name, ONE DIRECTION.. ^_^

And now, let's we see the video clip of Best Song Ever song, it is gonna be perfect, i like every line of the acting in this videoclip. C'mon we see it together, and break the record of viewers.

What do you think guys after watch it?
Amazing right? Hahaha, i like the way Zayn Malik as a sexy assistant, Veronica. Also Harry Styles ups i mean Marcell, he is geeky but still handsome and cute. Also Liam i mean Leeroy, iuhhhh i dont know why he can be so be like Leeroy, Also Niall and Lou i mean Jonny and Harvey. I am really excited, i can't mention one by one what, but ya, i'm laughing, i'm crying, i'm blushing, and all the emotion being complete, best song ever really !!

And now let me show you my favorite part on the Best Song Ever videoclip, check it down.

LMAO, Leeroy and Zayn b**bs XD


Marcel screaming aaaaww !!

Best dance ever, let's rock !

And about they anniversary 3 years today, i found the message from one of directioners, here it is, i'm sobbing after read it, also choking. ahh One Direction :')

Remember, remember, and remember..
and let we see 1D memories, back to past time, (July, 23rd 2010).

Zayn: 165616. Niall: 232677. Liam: 61898. Harry: 165998. Louis: 155204
They audition number.

Time fly so fast, they grow up being mature now, being handsome, and being perfect. Directioners getting bigger and bigger, and everyone dreamed that one day can have a complete life because of One Direction. And i'm proud as a part of Directioners in this world. I'll never forgot the way they change my life, i don't care about the fact that probably i'll never can meet them, God know i want them. haha.

Once more, Happy Anniversary @onedirection, we all love you, we all support you, and we all Indonesian Directioners hopes you will come so soon in our country, Indonesia. Always be my super idiot boys, humble, gorgeous, charity, friendly, and today let's break the world !!!


Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Artistic One Direction Painting

Hei, Directioners !

Anyone you want see this?
I found it on Facebook, The Boys face drawing by @_artistiq

They are really really H A N D S O M E here !!
Trust me i'm died after see this photo.

Heart attack..
Heart attack..

Ok, i'll share it, c'mon scroll down.


"Niall, your laugh so cute..."


"Zayn, can you stop stare on me like this? I'm gonna die"


"Harry, you're my perfect boy with good taste !"


"You're so cool, Liam and Lou !"

What do you think guys?


Photo Source : Niall Horan in Facebook

One Direction Concert in Montreal, Canada

Hei, Directioners !

The Boys last night ( July 4th, 2013), just done their Take Me Home concert in Montreal, Canada.

Great to know it, see their photo here, with their Canadian Jersey's. :)

C'mon scroll down this, see another photo while The Boys on stage.

Heart attack !! They are so amazingggggg....

One Direction is always makes my heart attack so fast.

And they say, live concert in Montreal, Canada is the one best that they got.

How about Indonesia? We are Indonesian Directioners still waiting for you, 1D ! ^^

Photo Source : Twitter

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Life is ...


Menjadi sebuah kata yang begitu banyak menginspirasi setiap manusia, layaknya sebuah misteri tak terpecahkan di sepanjang usia, selalu berjalan kedepan tanpa tahu dimana akan berakhirnya, tak pernah bisa ditebak bagaimana akan jadinya.


Mereka bilang berat, mereka bilang rumit, mereka bilang tidak mudah, terlalu berbatu-batu, terlalu licin, bahkan terlalu membingungkan, terkadang buntu namun terkadang memaksa kita untuk berusaha mencari celah dimana titik terang itu berada.


Ternyata hidup didunia masyarakat ini liar, ketat, gila. Tak seindah ketika kau tahu bahwa kau telah lahir kedunia membawa kebahagiaan untuk ayah ibu, tak seindah ketika kau mulai tahu bahwa kau memiliki banyak teman disekolah, tak seindah ketika kau tahu bahwa persaingan itu dilakukan dengan banyak membaca buku pelajaran agar bisa menjadi juara terbaik dikelas. Sesungguhnya bukan itu, semua itu semu, semua itu hanya batu loncatan.

3 bulan semenjak hari kelulusan itu, banyak hal berubah, banyak pelajaran hidup yang tiba-tiba menunjukkan eksistensinya, hidup yang sebenarnya tengah mengintai aku, kau, dan kita yang masih terombang-ambing dalam kebingungan, dimana hal itu dulu hanya kau dengar dan kau tertawakan dari pengalaman mereka yang telah duluan merasakan semua itu. Kini kau tau sesungguhnya mereka tidak berbohong, kan?

Semua menuntut kesabaran, kegigihan, dan kepasrahan dalam doa pada Allah. Disini kita dipaksa untuk menjadi mandiri, disini kita di ingatkan bahwa kita telah dewasa, disini kita di beritahu bahwa hidup tak semudah membalik telapak tangan, bukan sekali sebut langsung jadi, langsung ada. :')


Kuat menjadi bekal yang cukup utama untuk menghadapi pergulatan hidup. Tapi untuk menjadi kuat itu tidak mudah, toh. Ada banyak air mata yang tumpah ketika merasa tertekan, ada banyak tangis yang terisak kala tak ada satupun yang mampu menolong, ada banyak derai halus yang membasahi pipi ketika kau kesal mengapa begitu banyak rintangan yang dihadapkan pada jalanmu menuju ke yang kau inginkan. Terkadang hal sederhana pun menjadi permasalahan besar dalam syarat-syaratnya.

Terduduk dengan kepala menunduk, berjalan dengan langkah gontai, atau menangis dalam helm yang kacanya sengaja ditutup, menjadi hal yang biasa dilakukan untuk melampiaskan rasa (ingin) putus asa itu. Namun satu diantara sekian banyak yang memberimu kesulitan, pasti akan ada yang rela mengulurkan tangan untukmu, sekedar untuk meringankan bebanmu.


Kata-kata seperti diatas, bisa menjadi sebuah penyemangat untuk batin-batin yang (nyaris) lemah. Sigh, baru 3 bulan saja lepas dari seragam sekolah, ada banyak sekali rintangan menghadang, apalagi mereka yang sudah lebih dulu besar dari kita (?)


Pada akhirnya, hari tetap berjalan, sekarang sudah memasuki hari ke 3 di bulan Juli saja, semakin cepat saja, namun teruslah berharap pada alam agar ramah pada kehidupan kita, diberi jalan menuju masa depan terbaik untuk kebahagiaan diri dan mereka yang menyayangi kita serta selalu mensupport kita dari belakang. Air mata yang telah jatuh tak akan pernah sia-sia, butir keringat yang membasahi sela-sela rambut dan tubuh tak akan pernah mengecewakan, segala usaha pasti akan ada harganya dimata Allah SWT, segalanya akan berakhir dengan indah melalui caranya masing-masing. Percayalah. ^_^

BigThanksTo : Mama & Ayah, you're my inspiration, you're my wings, you're my hero!
#nowplaying One Direction - Live While We're Young