Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Only A Melancholy Handwriting

There's a lot of handsome, cute, and sweet boy in this world..
There's so many good looking, almost perfect guy in your place..
There's also much heart beat you feel when you feel a click on one of them.
Then you stop to one.

Hey, look !
He doesn't always handsome as every girl imagine..
He doesn't always perfect as a prince..
But i'm sure, he'll make you comfort and full of happiness.

Haha, what i share you about tonight?
Am i tell you about a feeling? a sign to a love or someone to be a heart anchor?

I like to flirt at an interesting boy, wishing he will take a same way with me, flirting to me also, then we can be so close and then and then and then, arrrgghh i always afraid to start this one, i'm not ready to be on it. I just like the way we pretending to be.

But one day, in a sunny, warm, beautiful day, my prince will come, so i'll wait for the date. Hahaha, I believe in some day, whenever i never consist with who i like, i'll find the right later.

Good Night. ^^

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

My Photos College

Photo college is not a new thing in photography world.
Make a college with only face expression change is such a funny thing.
And here is me and my little sister, try to make some LOL face. Haha ^^

And this is me and my friends, they are also funny.
I teach them how to take a photo with only change your face, haha ^^
They like to do it so much with me.

And this is ME !
How so crazy my face >.<

Anyone wanna try?
You can edit your photo too at this web,
Here my recomendation :

1. www.ipiccy.com
2. www.photovisi.com

Good Luck !

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Salam Idul Adha Kambing Maroko


Agak bingung juga nih kalau kambing-kambing yang mau disembelih besok pada manjatin pohon seperti ini. Tapi tenang, cuma terjadi di Maroko Selatan kok. :)

Kenapa bisa begini?
Kok kambing bisa manjat pohon?

Menurut analisa para ahli, ini merupakan salah satu insting kambing dalam urusan mempertahankan hidup, karena tanah disekitar lingkungan mereka itu tandus, dan mereka melihat daun hijau hanya ada di atas pohon, begitulah seleksi alam menyebabkan mereka yang tetap kuat dan berusaha keras akan terus hidup walaupun menimbulkan keanehan seperti ini. Hihi ^^