Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Something About BLUE

Hi, all..
How are you?
Today i want to tell you all about what my favorite colour,
You know? yea, BLUE..
See my blog, everything is blue right?

Do you know something myth about blue?
Let me share it to you.
It is also important for you who love blue like me too. :)

about "Blue Personality"
excited to me know about it,
They are very controlled by they emotions. sometime mellow, sometime awkward, and many more.
they also patient, and not vindictive.
usually the blue lovers always try to rise up when they down, and always try to catch what they want.
They always want to show they can be best without thinking others are rival who must we removed.

Let see another something from blue.
What meaning of blue? it is a world colour. it is water, it is sky, it is natural harmony.

Using blue can induce a feeling of calm, cool, quiet, and peaceful. also giving comfort and protection.

The last,
In the web design, blue is majority, because they beleive, blue can make the visitor enjoying our web.
example web who wear blue colour, Facebook & Tweeter.

Issues :
1. use blue on the walls in the classroom, according to the researches, it can improve student achievement.
2. if you writing with blue ink, can make your brain easily to remembered.
and many more.. :)

oh my BLUE.... you make me crazy..!!
Hi, friend, give your comment,
do you a blue lovers too?
or what your favorite colour? please tell me, :)

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Happy Season

Hai blog, udah lama aku gak nulis-nulis ni..
sudah sebulan ya, hem, akhir-akhir ini aku jadi malas mau nge blog..
kebanyakan gak mood nya haha.

Tulisan pertama dibulan september.

Anak kecil, paling lucu kalau dipakaikan pakaian sesuai dengan model dan trend yang sedang naik daun.
Namun tetap disesuaikan dengan musim yang sedang berlangsung.

Lebaran tahun ini, musim panas.
dan, ada satu baju adik aku yang paling aku suka,
Here it is,

Baju tak berlengan, bunga-bunga, dengan sepatu pink dan bando pink.
Bikin musim panas jadi ceria dan meriah banget.. :)
Happy Summer..!!